Receivable Solutions

Accelerate access to your receivables, increase operating efficiencies and provide your customers the flexible payment options they demand with a receivable solution designed for the way you operate.


Remote Deposit Capture

Remote Deposit Capture allows you to deposit checks from your office for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day. Increase efficiency by eliminating daily trips to the bank, and simplify your recording with Remote Deposit Capture.

Whatever your financial needs, Busey promises the resources to help you succeed. Contact us today to determine which products and services are right for your business.

Smart Pay

Enhance customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty while reducing in-house paperwork, billing and payment processing expenses with SmartPay, a user-friendly web payment interface. SmartPay's online reporting provides you up-to-date information with the click of a mouse.

Powered by FirsTech, Inc.


Merchant Services

Your customers demand the option to make debit and credit card purchases. To provide your customers the convenience they desire while maintaining your high security standards, rely on Busey’s Merchant Services program. Merchant Services gives you faster, more convenient access to your funds. Lower your business costs by switching to Busey for your processing needs. Learn more about Busey's Merchant Services.

Lockbox Service

How much time do you waste opening envelopes, preparing deposits, going to the bank, entering payment data into your computer and filing everything away? Ready to do it again tomorrow? With Lockbox Service, Busey receives, processes and deposits your incoming payments, giving you enhanced cash flow and efficient processing, and superior customer service. Streamline your collection process and access your receivables faster with Lockbox Service.

Want to see all your receivable information in one location? A/R Xpress, Busey’s virtual lockbox portal, allows you to consolidate your check processing with a single-source solution. View images of checks, supporting documents and correspondence within A/R Xpress. Expedite research, accelerate payment posting and collection, and mitigate risk with Busey’s Lockbox Service and A/R Xpress.

Mobile Accept

Get paid fast with Mobile Accept, a simple-to-use, yet powerful, mobile payment app that allows you to quickly and securely swipe any credit or signature debit card for processing on a smartphone or tablet.

Transaction review, detailed history reporting and the ability to void or cancel a transaction enables you to conduct business anytime, anywhere.

Whatever your financial needs, Busey promises the resources to help you succeed.
Contact us today to determine which products and services are right for your business.