Volunteer Spotlight Featuring Lexi Lagle


Lexi Lagle

Living the Busey promise in her community, Lexi Lagle, Commercial & Wealth Analyst, is being recognized as Busey’s Volunteer of the Month.

Spending time with youth is a passion for Lexi, and she currently serves as a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Young Lives Club. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a mentoring program that supports underprivileged youth in the community. Lexi has been involved with this organization for two years, where she has been matched with her little sister, Kandie. Lexi and Kandie meet at least once a week and complete a variety of activities including crafts, board games, baking, fishing, and attending Kandie’s sporting events. The match allows Kandie to have some stability in her environment in an otherwise chaotic home life.

“I always say I get just as much out of it as she does, as she teaches me so much about life. She has become such an integral part of my life and will even be the flower girl in my upcoming wedding!”

Young Lives Club is an organization that supports pregnant and parenting teens through mentorship, community, and a life of faith. Lexi serves as a childcare coordinator and volunteer. Through her service, she organizes and coordinates childcare and helps run the nursery. It is a time for the moms to get a small break while the volunteers care for the babies. Over the years, Lexi has become close with some of the moms and provides mentorship to them outside club time at outings. Most recently they were able to take the moms to a Women’s Illini Basketball game, which was a first for many of them.

Congratulations Lexi!

Creating change in our community one project at a time.

Busey associates are encouraged to be actively involved, enriching the quality of life in the communities where they live and work. Being a community financial services organization means being a good corporate neighbor—partnering for purpose and progress.